Sim city regions

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Temperatures increase at different speeds everywhere, with warming generally higher over land areas than oceans. The impacts of climate change haven’t been spread evenly around our planet and they won’t be in the future, either. Some regions, such as small island states, will experience multiple climate-related risks that compound upon each other.Ī key point of the special report is there is no single 1.5-degree warmer world. The degree of these risks depends on many factors, such as the rate, duration and magnitude of warming geographic location levels of development and vulnerability and on how humans respond through adaptation and mitigation options. In most instances, climate-related risks for natural and human systems were found to be higher, often significantly so, under the hotter temperature threshold. Part 1 of this two-part series includes an interactive presentation of highlights from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report showing how higher temperature thresholds will adversely impact increasingly larger percentages of life on Earth, with significant variations by region, ecosystem and species.Įach of the following selected projections are from the IPCC special report.